Award winning energy efficient house built from 1860’s timber frame

Very few choose to embrace history lying bare in a state of ruination awaiting a worthy patron to embody the past into their present. Troth’s are one of them. They have built a national award winning energy efficient house using timber frames from an old 1868 Gahanna house. The new house built using old timber frames has been provided with structural insulated panels with highly efficient 6- and 8-inch foam sheets backed on both sides with wood fiberboard. The home has a solar panels, geothermal heating system and an unusual air exchange that heats incoming air during the winter with the warmth of the outgoing air. Apart from the energy-efficient materials the basement houses a state-of-the-art sound-insulated home theater, with a dozen large chairs that recline with a touch of a button. The house has been given Home Energy Rating Service score of 40, which means it uses 40 percent of the energy consumed by a conventionally built new home.

Via: Dispatch

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