Bamboo inspired skyscraper to offer green living in Tel Aviv

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Over the years, bamboo has evolved as a popular building material for various goods like furniture, autos, architecture etc, thanks to its durability, strength, reliability and eco-friendliness. So, an architect deriving inspiration for a new apartment skyscraper from it comes as no surprise to me. Architect Tamir Lavi of Tel Aviv, Israel is using bamboo for his high-rise building, but not as the construction material – it is his research material. The stalk of a bamboo plant is serving as a blueprint for the conception of Lavi’s building.

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Proposed for the northern “diamond exchange” border area of Tel Aviv, the skyscraper imitates the bamboo stalk’s hollow cells design for individual apartments. Just like the sturdy inner skeleton of bamboo allows light inside, the stalk-like building too controls natural lighting. The site will be divided into 40 percent building area and 60 percent free (park) space, creating a perfect balance between architecture and nature. The building with a three-floor ground story level flaunts beautiful exteriors that are designed in harmony with the serene interiors.

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Via: Evolo

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