Belson Outdoors’ Recycled Plastic Picnic Tables are chic and fun

Eco-friendly table

Eco friendly means products that are less wasteful and less toxic than mainstream products. All of these products are environmental friendly and guaranteed to be safe for you, your children, your home, and the earth we live on! These are products that are graffiti resistant and very durable for longer use. Whether you are in search of appliances or personal use products, the “green world” is huge! So by all means, whenever it is possible, always go for Eco friendly items. Though sometimes a little higher in price, good to the environment is what they do! That way you end up doing a lot better to yourself and the environment we are responsible for. Similarly, you will easily get recycled eco friendly picnic tables in stores and is one of the best things to have for outdoor purposes.

The designer:

For all your outdoor items, Belson Outdoors is a great company. It been there since the mid nineteens now and the superstore has everything from your barbecue grills to outdoor furniture to trash receptacles, to every small and big item of recreational need and outdoor use. They even have manufacturing materials like metals, wood and not to forget the recycled plastic. The products are economical, sold straight from the factory to you, reducing the chance of any pre damage. The company is also very proud of its manufacturing and its customer service provided to their customers.

Green treasure:

So many people in America and all over the world go outdoors for recreational purpose. Be it in another city all together or just the backyard of your house. Sometimes, budget is a constraint. But not when you buy items that are worth every penny you are paying. Yes, these are very economical and because this outdoor furniture is not to be changed every now and then, they are totally worth even if you have to pay a little more towards it. The Belson Outdoors’ plastic picnic tables are a good investment and a must have in every house that thinks recreation is an important part for unwinding. These tables are awesome for outdoor use. They are made of recycled plastic so are Eco friendly and their make is so good that gives maximum vandal resistance. The frames are strong enough to resist weight and other forms of pressures- of 2-3/8 inches. All its rods are first fabricated and are then galvanized and hot dipped. The company designers have made sure that its safe for children to play around these tables and hence the corners are not left sharp. The planks of the tables are pre-drilled and easily manageable with overhangs for a wheel chair too so that carrying doesn’t become a hassle. The positive functions of these plastic tables make them just the right thing for an outdoor day!

The fab factor:

Apart from the above factors, another characteristic that makes these tables interesting is, it comes in three different colors. If you get all the three then your park/backyard party/get together will look so colorful! If your little one is interested in helping you outdoors, let him because the nice part is its very easy to assemble and fold and can be done by them too. Now, because these are items to be kept longer in the sun, they tend to spoil from the sun quickly. But not when you are using the recycled plastic tables. They are made from Park Master, one of the best plastic materials to protect from UV rays and thus helps the tables to run longer for years. Galvanized and powder coated, the tables are very durable to resist even heavy loads, honoring the plastic seats and covers and add more times to your enjoyable years! So whatever you do or the kids do, jumping, rain water, the sun, everything else will do no harm to your table sets and their covers.

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