Bottlehood brings a unique eco-friendly menorah from recycled tequila bottle necks

With Hanukkah just around the corner, Bottlehood comes up with an eco-friendly yet stunning menorah that will add a bright touch to the festival of lights. The menorah makes use of reclaimed oak wine barrel staves and recylced Patron Tequila bottle necks designed to hold the candles, preferably soy or beeswax ones, adding to the green factor.

Eco-friendly menorah

You can get hold of this wonderful handmade menorah at for $72. Use coupon code Holiday15 and checkout to avail a discount of 15%.

The unique design combines oak wine barrel staves with Patron Tequila bottle necks into a beautiful menorah. The oak that goes into making the piece has been sanded and oiled by hand. Red wine stains on the edges and on the underside along with markings made by steel bands that once surrounded the barrels have been left undisturbed on purpose. The necks of the Patron Tequila bottles have been cut to a diameter that fits Trader Joe’s tapered candles.

The stunning menorah measuring 4 inches in height, 32 inches in width and 2 and 1/4 inches in depth, would be just right for your fireplace mantle or your dining room table.

Coming to the environmental factor, Bottlehood’s glassware has a considerably lower carbon footprint compared to the regular glass bottles. The fact that a glass bottle takes over 4000 years to decompose explains the enormous carbon footprint generated by landfilled or recycled bottles. All of Bottlehood’s glassware is created with used bottles of beer, wine, liquor and water bottles from the local San Diego bars, restaurants and events. Bottlehood employes local craftsmen to transform the glass bottles into adorable glassware which are sold by local retailers back to the community.

Via: The alternative consumer

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