Constellation Energy works with Fairton prisoners to develop solar panels

solar panel

Constellation Energy, the Baltimore-based energy products and services company recently announced that it is completing the development and construction of two comprehensive energy projects at federal correctional institutions in Fairton, N.J., and Petersburg, Va. More than $2.2 million will used to shape up both projects that combine energy and water conservation measures, in addition to utilizing renewable technologies to reduce utility costs and improve sustainability. An inmate workforce from the jail manufactured photovoltaic panels at a factory in a prison in Otisville, N.Y. The same team helped in installation of the solar panels.

The new FCI Fairton solar installation generates 400 kilowatts of electricity. Apart from the photovoltaic power system, Constellation Energy has also made other changes like electrical upgrades, efficient lighting, smart energy controls, water conservation measures, and improvements to the boiler and chiller plants. These green efforts will help in cutting energy consumption by 27 percent and water usage by 42 percent, saving more than $800,000 annually.

Constellation Energy has installed an on-site biomass heating system at FCC Petersburg. The other green features included are a rooftop solar photovoltaic system, and a geothermal heat pump system. It is expected that FCC Petersburg will save 70 million gallons of water annually and reduce energy consumption drastically, saving $1.4 million yearly.

Via: Nj

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