World’s only floating dining room on recycled plastic bottles (Video)

floating dining room

Moored alongside the prestigious False Creek Yacht Club, the Plastic Dining Room – the brainchild of Shannon Ronalds, founder of the School of Fish Foundation – is a floating restaurant that floats on a platform made from 1,700 recycled plastic two-liter bottles. Builder/designer Mike Lid laid the foundation on the assumption, which says that each two-liter bottle displaces 4.4 pounds of water. A wooden structure that encases the plastic bottles keeps them from decaying. The wood framework is made from reclaimed pine wood.

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Opening July 21, the floating restaurant will serve quality meals with wines to 12 people daily for the next two months. The award-winning C restaurant will cook and donate the multi-course meal costing around $195 to $215 for six courses with wine pairings.

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Via: The Globe And Mail

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