Designing your Home Bar – Top Trends that go the Eco Friendly Way

Nowadays many people socialize and so often invite guests at their homes. They also have a home bar which is an area in the house that is designed like a mini version of a bar where they can serve drinks to their guests. Being eco friendly in every way is essentially one of the main issues concerning everyone today. People are trying to conserve the environment every way they can as protecting the environment and not indulging in activities that harm the environment, are followed by almost all people today.

Nowadays an effort is being made to design the home bar in such a way that it is eco friendly and it does not harm the environment in any way. The following are some of the trends that make home bars more eco friendly.


Top Trends to be Eco Friendly while designing your Home Bar

  • Using local wines, whiskeys and other alcoholic beverages instead of imported ones is an eco friendly solution. The alcohol does not use as much transportation and this saves fuels and protects environments.
  • Design the bar using eco friendly materials like sustainable wood and reclaimed sustainable glass can be used for the shelves. The furniture around the home bar like the bar stool can also be made with sustainable eco friendly materials.
  • Empty bottles can be stored and also reused by just removing the labels and using them for water and homemade fruit juices. Also you can sterilize beer bottles and other alcoholic bottles to store homemade pulp and sauces.
  • The lighting used at the home bars can also be eco friendly. The home bars can be lit with LED lights which conserve energy and use very little energy as compared to conventional lights.
  • Nowadays you can also get eco friendly glassware. One needs to keep glasses at the home bar. The ideal eco friendly thing to do will be to buy environmentally friendly glassware for the bar.


The above were some of the top trends to make the home bar more eco friendly. Conserving the environment is top priority for many individuals today. So when they decide to have an eco friendly home they cannot just make their kitchens and bathrooms more eco friendly but also make use of the above tips to make their home bars as eco friendly as possible.

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