Exquisite energy-saving sculptural lamps are truly poetic

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Exhibiting Tom Strala’s out-of-the-box thinking and quintessential craftsmanship is this innovative work of art called the “Poetry of Efficiency”. Addressing the line between hate and love for the new energy-saving madness that the world witnesses today, these enticing lamps will flood your dwelling with beautiful green light. This beautiful project consists of more than one sculptural lamps, with each of them being called “Calmares”.

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Several dozen energy-saving florescent tubes collect together to make each of these stunning artworks. There are multiples of “Calmares I” and “Calmares II” available for sale. The Calmares I sculpture features 73 bulbs constructed into a sphere of light. The base is composed of white aluminum tubes mounted on a spherical base. All the Ostram “Circolux” energy-saving bulbs used to create this magnificent sculptural lamp emits 124,100 lumens of light by consuming just 1,700 watts of power.

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Via: YankoDesign

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