Get your ashes baked into vinyl records to live in melody forever

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With the number of cremations increasing and people from different faiths wanting to scatter the ashes of family and friends in beauty spots there is always a risk of rise in pollution. A UK based company called And Vinyly has come forward with a unique solution to the problem. The company is offering people the chance to press their ashes in a vinyl recording of their own voice, their favorite tunes or their last will and testament.

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The process involves sprinkling of the human ashes onto a raw piece of vinyl before being pressed by plates in order to create the grooves. The remarkably unusual option in handling human ash remains does sound an interesting effort in reducing pollution. The basic package costing around £2,000 includes 30 discs with standard cover. You can also have Bespook music written especially for you on order.

Via: Treehugger

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