Green Time ball to sparkle the drop at Times Square this year

time ball
Get prepared for a dazzling New Year’s Eve at Times Square this year. The time ball that is placed to the top of a pole descends 77 feet over the course of a minute, coming to rest at the bottom of its pole at 12 a.m. to mark the coming of the New Year is given a green transformation this year. All these years the ball made use of crystal and electric lights, but 2010 will see a new eco-friendly ball made from crystals and LED lights.

To exemplify this year’s Time Square New Year’s theme “Let there be courage,” the designers added crystals that feature triangles engraved with angel wings. The reason for this theme was to bring hope to the world to deal courageously with the war, the economy, people losing their homes, and people without food for the coming year. To enhance the hopes, designers for Waterford and Philips teamed up to add 288 crystals to be lit by the ball’s 32,256 LED lights.

The drop of the eco-friendly ball symbolizing eco-efficiency will be broadcast on television, in addition to seven LED screens positioned throughout New York City. The drop will also go live on the internet at

Via: elightbulbs

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