Refillable CMYK spray cans lend decency to graffiti

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Green graffiti, wherein artists use nature as a canvas to portray their innate feelings, has been adulterated by some who use it for the wrong purpose. Adding to the menace, they never care to take those empty cans with them that keep lying there at the spot of the crime. Since they won’t ever change their practice, designers Kim, Young-suk, Oh, Jin-ho, Lee, Yong, Kim and Woo-sik wish to correct them as they introduce the Color Dial Spray, the refillable paint containers.

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A “color-choosing set of dials” not only offers plenty, but also increases the frequency of using the spray bottles. By dialing the right color and brightness, the graffiti artist can actually get the preferred shade. Touting various CMYK color cartridges, one can refill them repeatedly.

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Via: Yanko Design

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