Kai Linke plays with roots to create innovative furniture

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I never thought furniture creating could be so much fun, until I came across Kai Linke’s project, which he calls the Roots. Taking inspiration from the abstract conflict of deformations in nature, the Frankfurt designer initiated his project of growing furniture from plant roots. The fascinating furniture goes through an interesting procedure to shape into something extraordinary.

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For his experiment, Linke cultivated fast-growing plants such as grass, cress, bulbs and bamboo and channeled their roots into shapes in different culture mediums until they filled those shapes completely. Once the roots have taken the entire space, the mold is removed. What you are left with are the roots, formed into the shapes of chairs, stools and tables. Linke threw light on his project at the Dezeentalks at [D3] Design Talents in Cologne last week.

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Via: Dezeen

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