Mustang going the Green way?


Automobiles are one of the reasons for so much of emission of harmful fumes. So when large companies heading the automobile industry find ways to add a little eco-friendly touch to their motors, it causes quite a stir. One such company creating a lot of buzz is Ford.

Henry Ford had previously experimented with soya bean plastics and other farm-oriented building materials for his cars. This was a hundred years ago. But today, when big automobile companies talk about going green, they don’t quite execute it. However, Ford has been using many recycled materials in their new cars, which has drawn everybody’s attention. The most intriguing part about this is that many Ford Mustang owners are unaware that the cylinder head covers of their cars are made from recycled carpets from homes, offices and other furnishing places.


It is noted that the plastic cylinder head covers that are a part of many of the new Ford models including the new 5.0 liter Mustang, are made from a material called EcoLon. By using these products, Ford gives us a promising result. It amounts to recycling more than 985,000 yards of carpet and reduces the consumption of more than 430,000 gallons of oil. In the modern times, this reduction is very important, especially after the global warming has come into focus.

This innovative use of carpets has become a sensation and made many heads turn, because it is one of the first automotive products to be manufactured. So now, even though your Ford Mustang has a power engine and you would like to vroom around in it, you can also feel good about the “green” edge that is instilled in your car. It is a feel-good factor, that you are not only thinking logical but ecological as well!

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Via: The Mustang News

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