Naturally green and exclusive four-legged Table Cuatro – A flexi piece of furniture

Table Cuatro

For those of you who are genuinely interested and excited to make their home turn green and contribute toward saving the environment from toxic and dangerous materials and products, here is an exclusive product that could add style to the decor of your house. The Mexican designer Raul Chavez, getting inspired by his natural surroundings, has brought forward a very different eco-friendly piece of furniture that he has preferred to call the Table Cuatro (or Mesa Cuatro in Spanish). This table has amazing looks and feel that can grab the attention of anybody entering the room where it is kept.

The Table Cuatro is environmentally friendly as there is no use of any kind of non-natural or toxic materials while constructing it. Even during the assembly of this table’s parts, there is no glue used. If you are thinking that this would have at least been fixed using screws, that is also not true! Yes, there are no fixtures or screws used that cannot be recycled. In fact, the Table Cuatro is free of any kind of paint too! The designer has taken care that there is no such material used that is not 100% natural and cannot be recycled when the time comes to dispose off this table for any reason. The design approach is to completely go natural and eco-friendly.

Now, you must be wondering how the table’s assembly took place? The answer is very simple but innovative – It is designed with its four angled legs attached to the horizontal support bars at the top, while using four lockable joints or levers. The lever assembly gets a transparent look through a recyclable glass sheet as the top. This assembly is not too technical to handle and is thus the reason for the table to be flexible enough when you may wish to disassemble it or assemble it again. The table can be quickly wrapped up and packed. You may also carry it with you, as it is transportable in a small package. Additionally, it helps saving bucks when needed to be transported or distributed.

The Table Cuatro is designed to have a nice wooden finish in light oak shade that goes well with almost any kind of furniture in your house or with the overall look and style of the room. By itself, the table acts as a decorative item whether be placed in your drawing room or porch, or even in your bedroom. You may carry it with you when you are on a picnic, or place it in your library when you are in a mood to put your laptop or books on it for study purposes. You may also use it as a center table in your guest room. The table can be placed in your backside garden whenever you wish to sit near to the natural environment with all green things around yourself. But, this green, stylish and uniquely crafted Table Cuatro can surely run on its four legs wherever you go!

Via: raul chavez

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