Parants’ hybrid lighting system bring light to shaded area sustainably

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I still remember those good old childhood days when reflecting sunlight on your friend’s eyes with a mirror was so much fun. But, a daylighting company Parants is transforming our childhood play into serious business. Today, the world is going green and daylight is becoming an important lighting source as it consumes zero energy and produces zero emission. But, densely populated areas and lower floor homes are deprived of this green light source.

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In order to provide a solution Parants has developed a series of complex hybrid lighting systems to light up your dwelling, while bringing down both electricity bill and you carbon footprint. These heliostats works out by following the sunrays and reflect it in a shaded area of the home or office with the use of optical cables and mirrors. The company is working to bring this technology out of the custom-built arena and make it more accessible.

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Via: igreenspot

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