Reading habbits get a boost with Platvorm’s Papiria Upcycled Book Wall

Papiria Upcycled Book Wall
A very interesting exhibition is going on in Hague these days. It is not like a regular exhibition where artifacts, food, cosmetics, furniture etc. are put on display. This exhibition is special because it is intended to induce reading and writing habits in children. It also teaches value of recycling and respect for nature to kids. The exhibition infrastructure has been developed by recycling of books and other products for inculcating reading and writing habits in children in a fun-filled way.

The exhibition is named ‘Papiria, which literally means a material to read and write and was used by Greeks and Romans in ancient times. True to its name, the exhibition creates a complete reading and writing environment for children. Entire atmosphere is delightful and is given the touch of a natural landscape. There are elliptical ice caves and deep valleys with multiple level areas to sit, read and enjoy the beauty of natural landscape.

Children can not only sit and read but they can also play around in the area. To add an air of suspense and adventure, a word game has been introduced in the exhibition where many walls crossword and broken words are printed and an ‘ink-gobbler’ keeps eating the words. Kids are supposed to fill up the blanks, puzzle and defeat the ink gobbler. The game is a fun-filled activity for children and at the same time provides a great learning opportunity to them. Another interesting game for kids is to write lyrics and stories on the touch screen computers and create something out of their imagination.

There are loads and loads of books on various subjects for children to read and learn. Children can pull out any book from the wall and can put them back in place after reading. The colorful books create a bright and vivacious look and encourage children to explore them and learn from them.

The exhibition has created a stir among little folks of the town and they are seen enjoying every moment in the exhibition. This wonderful
exhibition which is infused with the message of recycling and reading has been designed by a design agency called Platvorm and world famous interior design magazine Grob Enzo.

Via: Inhabitat

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