Sport Jerseys that are Eco Friendly


The environment is the nature and atmospheres that surrounds us. The environment is to be protected and conserved so that the future generations on the planet do not have to face severely degraded environment and face problems that environmental degradation causes for the planet. Already in the last century or so the environment is degraded not just due to normal natural reasons as it has been at a slow pace since centuries but at a fast pace because of natural reasons as well as manmade reasons.


There are various human activities like transport pollution, water pollution, air pollution deforestation, excessive agriculture, pollution caused by garbage, factory and industrial pollutants, excessive use of fossil fuels, excessive greenhouse gas emissions and many other  activities that cause environmental degradation. We have to together protect the environment for the future by making small contributions that all of us can do to conserve and protect the environment.

Environment and Textiles

The textile and garment industry that makes clothes is also responsible for environmental degradation. At every stage there are plenty of environmentally harmful processes in this industry. From pesticides with chemicals being used in the raw materials like cotton plants, to manufacturing processes that cause air and water pollution and also non eco friendly detergents being used to wash clothes. All these processes are harmful to the environment.

Nowadays efforts are being made by many people to wear eco friendly clothing. The term sustainable fashion has become very popular as many people are wearing clothing that are environmentally friendly and which reduces their own carbon footprint. The raw materials in eco friendly clothes like cotton are only sourced from farmers who do not use harmful chemical pesticides. Other environmentally friendly fibers like jute, hemp is used to make cloth and fibers. Eco friendly garments are manufactured using natural materials and also chemicals in manufacturing are avoided. Also people who buy these clothes use detergents that are environmentally friendly.

Eco Friendly Sports Jersey

Sports jerseys are popular throughout the world as sports fans love to buy sports jerseys of their favorite teams and favorite players. This is true for a number of sports like basketball, baseball, cricket, ice hockey, football and other team sports. As millions of fans buy these sports jerseys from all over the world it is a good idea to make and sell eco friendly sport jerseys. There is a good market for this as many people especially youngsters who buy these jerseys  are also conscious about the environmental problems and would like to be more environmentally friendly.

There are many eco friendly sports jerseys available at sports stores today which are of different popular sports and teams. The regular material that is used for sports jerseys is made of synthetic fabric and fabric that is not every eco friendly. To make the sport jerseys that are eco friendly, they use biodegradable fabrics and also are made of recyclable materials.

This trend is not very common as people are not yet aware of these types of jerseys. Moreover a very small percentage of sports jerseys are made in an eco friendly way using eco friendly material.

As the awareness of this concept grows people will demand for more and more eco friendly sports jerseys all over the world. This will create a demand for them and more such jersey will be manufactured as they are less harmful towards the environment. These are small steps taken in one type of clothing in one industry called textiles. But these small steps bring us that much closer to saving and protecting the environment.

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