The Top 6 Eco-Friendly and Sexy Ways to Celebrate Being Green

  • Global warming is a phenomenon that has made people realize that mankind’s current lifestyle or way of living is only damaging the environment and our planet, which are two things that play the most significant role in our existence. More and more people are realizing that this planet is our home our one and only abode that we need to preserve not just for us but also for our future generations. If we create detrimental situations for our generation we can never expect future generations to flourish in such damaged situations. We have to use our resources carefully and preserve these natural resources as much as we can. Natural resources cannot be synthesized so they are being taken very seriously. Occasions like Earth day inspire, encourage and motivate individuals to go green, practice being green and enjoy every minute of being  and going green since individuals are just giving back to the earth a fraction of what they have received from it.


  • Celebrate Earth Day Every Day
  • April 22nd is the day we celebrate Earth Day globally. It is a day that celebrates and rejoices all the efforts being made to save the planet and all its creatures. We are the ones who are bringing about this change and so we must have a special day dedicated to celebrate all that we are doing to save our planet.
  • Save the Earth and Enjoy at the Same Time
  • Although there are many ways to celebrate Earth Day and being green in a fun and sexy manner here are the top 6 eco-friendly and sexy ways to celebrate being green that you can use to celebrate as well. These eco friendly and sexy ways are:
  • Make all your meals from local produce and using local food sources. This will ensure that you are using local produce that is 100% organic and you will also save fuel and not pollute the air if you walk and get all the food items. Cook your food and once it is cooked, you can feed your partner with your hands and your partner can do the same for you, this is one sexy and fun way of feeding one another and using fewer utensils and that to just for cooking purposes, which means you save water and use less amount of cleaning agents to clean the utensils.
  • Shower with your partner to save water as well as soap. Make this shower fun and sexy as you lather each other with your favorite eco friendly soap.


  • Using a whip that is made from recycled rubber, punish your partner and not the environment or earth. Make it sexy and fun depending on the way the two of you like to use it.
  • This new toy has many fans already, including Alicia Silverstone. It is a silicone vibrator that looks quite interesting and different when compared with traditional vibrators. The bright green color represents your being green and it comes in a canvas tote bag and batteries that can be recharged.
  • Buy new fun and sexy lingerie that is 100% eco friendly. It brightens up you and your partner’s life with its cool minty color and lovely, soft and smooth texture. Remember this lingerie is made from bamboo and handle it with care. While washing use only eco friendly and green detergent.
  • Sleep naked together, after having a long naked weekend not only to enjoy each other’s company while wearing birthday suits only but to also reduce the number of clothes that you will have to wash the next day. Only bed sheets and pillow cases will need washing and you will save a lot of water and detergent and remember to do all this washing with eco friendly detergent.

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