Strata SE1: World’s first building with integrated wind turbines

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Embracing sustainable design and renewable energy technologies Strata SE1 constructed by BFLS has become the first building in the world to have integrated wind turbines. Located in one of the Mayor of London’s Energy Action Areas, the 148m high 43-storey residential development is a new landmark on London skyline.

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What makes the building energy efficient are the three five-bladed, 9m diameter integrated wind turbines, and a high performance unitized aluminum curtain wall system and low energy landlord areas. This arrangement will help generate 50 mega watt hours of electricity per year for the landlord’s supply, which is approximately 8% of the building’s estimated total energy consumption. the apartments have been equipped with 40% low energy and 60% Tungsten lamping. It is believed that Strata SE1 will achieve a predicted 73.5% reduction in CO2 emissions when compared against the Building Regulations benchmark.

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Via: WorldArchitectureNews

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