Tips & Tricks: Ways to go green with your pets

Going green with pets

We all love our pets. They are ridiculously cute, fun to play with and in course of time become a part of our family. We can go a long way in taking care of the pets’ health if we go the green way in looking after them. You might be thinking it is all about dragging them into a bare bones existence and making things hard for yourself. However, that is not necessarily the case. There are smart ways to go green and make life better for everyone concerned. This tutorial will suggest you some tips and tricks.

1. Adopt your pet from a shelter or rescue organization: There are all kinds of pet breeders. Some are of the purest intentions and have the good of the pets in mind. But, we know what most have in their mind – profit. In order to squeeze the most out of the pet farming business, they raise pets in overcrowded atmospheres, caring not a bit for their health. They feed them shoddy food and are guilty of over-breeding and inbreeding. It is not at all necessary that you have to buy pets, you can adopt them. You have nothing to gain morally by taking part in a system which sucks the blood out of innocent animals.

2. Buy eco-friendly toys: It is not enough for you to buy eco-friendly toys for your children. Why make any exception for pets when the same rules should apply? You can buy toys made with organic cotton and avoid plastics and other harmful chemicals. You can have toys from recycled materials.

3. Avoid chemicals at all cost: It is not a good idea to have chemicals like pesticides or fertilizers anywhere in a stone’s throw distance from your home. To take an instance of a harmful thing which might happen, consider using pesticides. Your pet might accidentally have it on its paws and go on to lick it. Nothing can be more harmful. For all the purposes mentioned above, use purely organic means. Do not use beauty products which include chemicals. When you clean up the mess made by your pet, use mild tools and materials to do so. To melt the ice, for instance, you can use environmentally friendly ice melters. If you use ice melters which are based on salt or rock salt, it can cause digestion problems in pets in case they take it in. It can also contaminate wells and surroundings.

4. Buy organic food products: Usually pet products are made of animals which are to be soon taken to the graveyard, or even have found their place there. We don’t use such products for our own consumptions and we should make sure not to use it for our pets too. Use foods which are made from organic sources. They will result in the well being of your pets. Avoid wheat, corn and animal by products.

5. Compost their excreta: Pets are good at creating a lot of waste. It would be a good thing to reduce it and compost. Mostly, people put it in plastic bags, and throw in rivers and beaches. You need not do that. You can compost it. Animals should be provided with a litter which is not made with clay, as it involves chemicals which are not good for the Earth. Use a garbage bin as a pet waste composter. You will have to keep in mind that you should never use it for products you eat as you are in for health problems because the compost is not capable of destroying pathogens.

6. Keep your pets safe: If you love your pets, it stands to reason that you have to take good care of them and not do anything which would be harmful to their safety and welfare. It is better not to let them out as they often go outside and run into vehicles.

7. Cook for your pets yourself: I know that it sounds kooky, but it is good if you can cook for your pets. You don’t always buy it from the market. It can save your pets from the trouble of allergy problems.

8. Sterilize your pets: You can keep your pets healthy by spaying or neutering them. It can also prevent people from the hassles of dealing with street dogs and cats. Another upside of sterilization is that it prevents prostate disease in pets.

9. Avoid food with hormones and antibiotics: Some of the food you get from the market might be meat of animals raised with hormones and antibiotics. It might also be the case that those animals were given food containing animal by-products.

10. Use harmless cleaning products: Do not give your pets a bath in chemical cocktail products. Use vinegar and baking soda to clean up if your animal dirties the floor.

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