United Pepper manufactures inspiring green gadgets

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Electronics producers seriously need to believe in biodegradability, recyclability and a sustainable production process to win the confidence of the eco-conscious fraction of customers. United Pepper has been following this mantra so unreservedly to become the world’s first ‘fair-trade’ certified electronics producer. Run by three Belgians Marc Aelbrecht, Jean-Pierre D’Haese and Xavier Petre, the company has its manufacturing facilities in Vietnam.

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Lili, the octopus-shaped gadget is a webcam that acts like an electronic planter too. Filled with kapok fibers, the webcam begins to spew out little tendrils through the cotton sheath if kept in a damp environment. After pulling out the lens, minimal internal components and cable, the cotton and kapok can be disposed of easily.

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Then there is Jack – a shell shaped product that serves as a universal card or ID card reader. Another gadget named Oscar is a USB hub made of kapok, cotton, Mekong sand, cardboard and glue.

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Equally green is the Cube webcam, which is made of biodegradable wood.

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United Pepper’s tablet PC features a shell made from a composite of rice husks.

Via: GlobalPost

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