Wafer-thin plastic to replace traditional batteries

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Cars running on power from their roof, mobiles going slimmer than they were ever, displays displaying paper-like flexibility, and apparels generating electricity that is worth harnessing: it is all going to be a reality soon if we consider the recent findings of scientists from Imperial College of London. Scientists from the University’s Department of Aeronautics have created a wafer-thin plastic that capably stores electricity for your iPhones, iPods, wearable computers, and watch phones.

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Dr Emile Greenhalgh from Imperial College London’s Department of Aeronautics refrains from labeling it as a normal battery. According to her, it’s more resembling a super-capacitor that you generally find in regular electrical circuits.

Involving no chemical processes, the 5 sq. inch plastic charges itself fully in just five minutes and can power an LED light for 20 minutes. Moreover, it has larger lifespan than the traditional batteries.

Via: DailyMail/GizmoWatch

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