Welcome to the world of eco-friendly miniature bikes

Wooden Miniature motorcycle

You will applaud this as one of the most desirable miniature forms of art, thanks to its simple and eco-friendly appeal. An Ukrainian artist Vyacheslav Voronovich transformed his dream into a form of art by creating attractive and unmatched bikes out of wood, which is eco-friendly. Voronovich’s creations seem to be so realistic that you would spontaneously want to grab one, or may be more. He had the inclination and desire for wood carvings and eventually, his long-cherished ambition has taken shape.

Online miniature bikes have fascinated Vyacheslav and the young artist had the desire to create a wooden replica. Initially, there were certain hiccups which got removed as he progressed with his miniature bikes. He created his first wooden bike on a scale of 1:12 a year and a half ago. Voronovich is very particular about the type of wood to be used for making the bike. He chooses the one which gives him the best of the design. He is very conscious about the small parts like brake discs, handlebars and similar components and tries to give them the right perfection.

Voronovich always dreamt of possessing a bike since his childhood. He was successful in driving one when he was in seventh grade. Creating these exceptionally ornamental bikes have turned out to a hobby for Vyacheslav. His creations have only improved with the number with each one getting better and more attractive than the earlier one.

You would be amazed to know that the only non-ecofriendly tool which Vyacheslav uses is a common cutter which has blades (not reusable) while making these amazing bikes. This explains the nature loving aspect of the designer and his eco-friendly bikes. He has also created three choppers. The choppers are his original creations while the bikes are the miniature versions of a Honda make and a Suzuki make. He is now trying to include wood-bending technology into his latest work – model of the Honda VT1300 CS cruiser.

Source: Odditycentral

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