The Zeus Energy Monitoring System: Minimizing energy wastage

With the Zeus Energy Monitoring System, the consumers can view the first-hand information on their screens to see how much energy they are precisely consuming and how to reduce energy consumption and possibly generate energy for your domestic requirements. This device is also accompanied by a special service mechanism that keeps the entire house connected. Eith the help of the Zeus Energy Monitoring System, the user will be able to receive alerts pertaining to over-consumption of energy, generally enabling a lifestyle that follows a green energy-conserving attitude.

Energy Usages and Generation Monitoring System

Designed by Daniel Kim who is a designer from Korea, the Zeus is a remarkable futuristic device that has almost the same dimension of a tablet. With the help of this device, you can gather all the information pertaining to the energy orientation in your home. The device also provides you a room-by-room energy consumption of your home and lets you know exactly how much energy your home appliances consume, leading to an increase of our general awareness pertaining to energy consumption. Then you can also view your billing and see the difference in the billing amount in the preceding months to see how much energy you have succeeded in conserving. Apart from that, if you have solar panels and are generating solar energy for your domestic consumption, then the Zeus will also let you know the rate of sunshine outside and the amount of electricity that you have been able to generate via solar power. The device also gives you an account of the amount of solar energy that you have been able to harness the entire month along with the cost – so that you can visualize as to how much energy you have expended and what would be the future course to take regarding sensible usage of the same.

It is true to say that you cannot manage something if it is immeasurable – and it stands true to energy conservation. With the Zeus, you can measure the extent of energy consumed and produced to know how to manage it in an optimal way. With this device, you can easily detect where energy is being wasted and how to control it effectively. Not only will the Zeus lead to a huge decrease in your electricity bills, but you would be a part of the effort to control the global warming. Apart from that, you can also figure out means by which you can produce clean green energy in a more efficient manner that would be sufficient to power your home.

The user interface of the Zeus Energy Monitoring System is very user-friendly and all the data is provided in a very simple and easy manner. All the relevant data is included and can be viewed in separate pages. This device is easily portable and can be carried around. Furthermore, it is also wall mountable and you can prop it on a wall and keep viewing the statistics. This device has a touch screen and its alert mechanism is very effective. In case any appliance has been left on, then Zeus will alert the user to turn it off instantly. You can view the amount of energy that you are presently consuming in each room in a very clear manner through the colorful graphics.

Such energy monitoring systems such as the Zeus are the need of the day as many of the households around the world end up wasting energy unknowingly. Many a times we leave our gadgets on charging without unplugging them after a certain time – leading to a gross wastage of energy. It is the time to realize that energy is not only expensive, but it is also being produced at the expense of our planet Earth and we need to reduce our individual contributions towards global warming being being more judicious in our energy usages. If each and every household purchases a device like the Zeus, then it would make a very big difference to their energy consumption levels.

Via: Cargo Collective

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