Architecture Guide

10 Innovative vertical farm designs

Vertical farming is the latest concept to emerge in farming these days. Growing consciousness for a green earth, but at the same time, shortage of landscape area has prompted the emergence of this innovative concept. Towering archeological structures are

Five most sustainable office buildings in the world

The clamor to safeguard the environment and adopt greener methods of living has prompted many of us to implement eco friendly ways of living in our daily life. These days the architects are also busy designing sustainable buildings, which harness the n

Prison with 300 places at Newgate Prison of Beveren in mid 2013

A new prison in Beveren is being discussed and designed by the Minister of Finance and minister of buildings and the Deputy Prime Minister. The design, construction, maintenance and financing of the new prison has been worked and decided on. The new priso

10 vertical farms designed to bring farming into the urban world

Migration to urban areas is becoming quite common and in the next 10-20 years they will house a major chunk of the world population. Space will definitely become a constraint in the already congested cities. The huge number of people will put heavy deman

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