Nick Farrow builds an eco-friendly cabin in the woods

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If you are tired of your busy schedule and want some unwinding, why not enjoy the beauty of nature? This time, try staying in a forest for some adventure. All you have to do is to build a small and cozy cabin in the woods and have fun. Nick Farrow provides you with the brilliant idea of building not only a comfortable cabin but also an eco-friendly one.

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Cabins are usually made of timber, but cutting down so many trees just for the purpose of building a cabin for yourself is not a smart thing to do, as it will lead to the destruction of our ecosystem. Here, Nick Farrow has built the cabin in the woods with the help of the locally sourced timber. Let’s hope this adventure freak has used reclaimed timber and given new life materials which would have been otherwise gone for waste.

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You can also take inspiration from Nick Farrow and enjoy making a similar eco-friendly cabin for yourself. So, pack your bags and plan for a short trip in the woods. Have fun and have a pleasant stay in your eco-friendly cabin.

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Via: igreenspot

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