Community Writer |

Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

Mobile green fence concept

The ‘green’ revolution is fast catching on in the world. Everyone is trying their best to support nature and be as environmentally friendly as possible. One way that this has expressed is through the usage of green, foliage plants to act as fences. This i

Mobile green fence concept

Seven criteria to evaluate eco-friendly building materials

Eco friendly products are fast becoming a priority for the world considering the damage our universe is exposed to with chemicals and environmental pollution. While eco friendly buildings are constructed on a large scale, it is also very important to


15 most amazing DIY electric cars

Although the first electric car was designed in the last decade of the 19th century, by the turn of the century, vehicles powered by fossil fuel became the sole mode of transportation. However, mounting pollution and rising fuel price have prompted automo


The Best of Artwork made from e-waste

Landfills are dumped with waste every day and it is very important to decrease the load chucked on these waste grounds. One very hazardous type of waste thrown out of our home is electronic devices and components. These contain many harmful chemicals that

Haribaabu Naatesam e-waste art

How to make a robot from recycled materials

40 Years ago, having a computer at home was just a Hollywood stuff, but now it is possible to see a robot in every home in near future. Here in this article, we guide you step by step on how to make your own tiny dancing spider robot , all from the mater

make a robot from recycled materials

Electrolux Eco Cleaner does your dishes and feeds the green

We are living in age where time is money. So who would want to waste their precious time in cooking or cleaning the house when packed food and vacuum cleaners can do the trick. Doing the dirty dishes after getting your hand over a lip-smacking treat..

Electrolux Eco Cleaner

How to make a castle for your kids using recycled cardboard

The castle shown in the above picture is totally made with cardboard and is an easy go project theme for your child. Kids love castles, since the typical fairy queen stories entices each one of them, so a cardboard castle for your kids will definitely att

cardboard castle

10 Masterpieces of art created using moss

How well can you make use of moss? A masterpiece is one that makes you understand the world differently. When an art form is used in an aesthetic way then it has all the charms that can rekindle your inner soul. People who are concerned about this green

Terraform Sculpture
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